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Services / Bio venting - soil Flushing

  • Bio venting - soil Flushing

    Bio venting
    Bioventing is a technology that stimulates the natural in situ biodegradation of any
    aerobically degradable compounds
    In soil by providing oxygen to existing soil microorganism
    Contaminants : petroleum hydrocarbons ,
    non chlorinated  solvents , some pesticides ,
    wood preservatives , and other organic chemicals
    - soil Flushing  
    Water , at times supplemented with surfactants
    cosolvents , or treatment compounds ,
    are applied to the soil or injected in to the groundwater
    And that are isolated within the underlying aquifer
    and recovered together with flushed contaminants.
    Contaminants : inorganics , VOCs , SVOCs, fuel and pesticides